Reporting Potholes


The Fix My Street App is now the preferred option for reporting highways issues. Everyone is encouraged to download the App. It is very easy to take a photo of the pothole and report it on the App.

Any enquiries regarding Highways issues, including pot holes, etc should be sent to who is now a dedicated officer for Town and Parish council highway issues.

It is very important to report potholes to Shropshire Council so that they are logged and prioritised. The more people who report a pothole, the more likely it will get actioned.

You could also send an email to the Clerk of Neen Savage Parish Council – Mrs McBride at

Autumn Litter Pick

The Autumn Litter Pick will be held on Sunday 17 November 2019.

Please meet at the Parish Hall at 10am to collect your litter picking equipment and instructions.

Many hands will make light work – in just 2 hours together we can collect a lot of rubbish and clean our roadsides.

Post 19 Travel Assistance Policy

To ensure Shropshire Council is meeting its statutory duties under the Education Act 2006, a new policy for travel assistance for adult learners accessing education and training is being proposed.
For further information see:

ESIIA Post 19 Policy
Shropshire post 19 travel assistance policy
Stakeholders Consultation Letter

A consultation on this proposed new policy for Post 19 Travel Assistance will run until 18 October 2019. Any comments on the consultation should be sent to