2019-20 Audit and Accounts

At the Neen Savage Parish Council Meeting on 27 May 2020, the Council considered and resolved to approve the Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Annual Return Sections 1 & 2 and the Internal Auditor’s report.

Neen Savage Parish Council Audited Accounts 2019-20
Neen Savage Parish Council Bank Reconciliation 2019-20
Neen Savage Parish Council Approved Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part 2 2019-20
Explanation of variances 2019-20
Explanation of reserves 2019-20
Neen Savage Parish Council Asset Register as at 31 Mar 2020
Neen Savage Parish Council – Internal Auditor’s Report 2019-20

The following document summarises how to exercise your rights to inspect the accounting records, ask questions of the internal auditor and to make objections.

Neen Savage Parish Council Notification of Public Rights 2019-20

Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 27th May 2020

This was a virtual meeting on zoom.

Approved Minutes of Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 27th May 2020

Agenda for Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 27th May 2020
Neen Savage Parish Council Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019/20
Neen Savage Parish Council – Internal Auditor’s Report 2019-20

Clerk’s Progess Report – March to May 2020

Neen Savage Parish Council Risk Assessments May 2020

Councillors’ Roles and Appointments 19-20

Dates for Meetings 20-21

CANCELLED – Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 25 March 2020

Please note that the Parish Council meeting due to be held on Wednesday 25th March 2020 in Neen Savage Parish Hall will now not be going ahead in line with Government guidance to stop all public gatherings to minimise the health risk to members of the community from coronavirus.

The proposed date for the next Parish Council meeting is Wednesday 22nd April 2020 but this is subject to Government guidance at that time.

The Parish Council will continue to function so if you have any questions or issues to raise please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk. Contact details are here.

Agenda for Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 25 March 2020

CANCELLED – Spring Litter Pick


The spring litter pick will take place on Sunday 29th March 2020.

Please report to the Neen Savage Village Hall at 10am for allocation of litter pickers and hi viz.

You only need to give a couple of hours and if enough people turn up we can cover a significant part of the Parish.