2017-18 Audit & Accounts

The External Auditors have completed their review of the 2017-18 accounts.
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017-18
Final External Auditor Report and Certificate 2017-18

At the Neen Savage Parish Council Meeting on 27 June 2018, the Council considered and resolved to approve the Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Annual Return Sections 1 & 2 and the Internal Auditor’s report, as follows:

Neen Savage Parish Council – Annual Return 2017-18 Section 1
Neen Savage Parish Council – Annual Return 2017-18 Section 2
Neen Savage Parish Council – Final Accounts 2017-18
Neen Savage Parish Council – Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2018

Internal Audit Report page 1
Internal Audit Report page 2
Supplementary Internal Audit Report

The following documents summarise how to exercise your rights to inspect the accounting records, ask questions of the internal auditor and to make objections.

Local Authority Accounts – A Summary of your Rights page 1
Local Authority Accounts – A Summary of your Rights page 2
Public Rights Notice 17-18

Edwards & Hinckesman’s Foundation

The Edwards & Hinckesman’s Foundation is a local Trust dating back to June 1915, supporting children of the parish of Neen Savage in their education or preparation for the workplace.

Applications for financial assistance will be considered from:

• anyone under the age of 25 who is a resident of the Parish (or who has a parent or guardian who is resident in the Parish)

• who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance to attend any University, College of Music or Further Education (including professional or technical institutes) or Secondary School, in order to promote their education or prepare for work, including apprenticeships. Such need can be established by reference to the cost of clothing, outfits, tools, instruments, books, travel (whether in this country or abroad) or tuition fees.

Applicants must:

• submit an application form (available via one of the links below or on request from the Clerk, Charles Whitworth, at edwardshinckesman@gmail.com, or via mobile 07817 929994);

• arrange for a supporting email from a senior teacher, head of year, tutor, Head Teacher or Principal who knows the applicant well and who can say that the applicant’s current performance and character is deserving of further support and financial assistance for the upcoming year. This should be sent directly to the Clerk at the above email address.

Both must be received by the Clerk by August 1st.

• Applicants will be asked to attend a short interview, preferably in person, at the very end of August or in early September at the Parish Hall

An application form may be downloaded here:

Families or parishioners wanting to support the Foundation by either a one-off donation or by regular giving should contact the Clerk using the contact details above. The Foundation is registered with HMRC and can therefore make every donation go 25% further by reclaiming Gift Aid.

For more information contact the clerk – Charles Whitworth
edwardshinckesman@gmail.com or 07817 929994

Parish Tidy Up – Sunday 15 April 2018

On Sunday 15 April 2018, a group of 8 parishioners met at the Village Hall to collect equipment (black bags, gloves, litter ‘pickers’ and visibility jackets) for the seasonal litter pick.

Each was allocated a section of road and set off to walk their section. There was a considerable amount of litter on the road from Six Ashes towards Cleobury, but even the minor roads generated the usual coffee cups, cans and water bottles.

This is just some the 19 bags of rubbish collected.

The next litter pick will be in the autumn.

Confirmed Modification of Definitive Map

The Shropshire Council (Footpath 44R Deletion and Addition, Parishes of Neen Savage and Cleobury Mortimer and Footpath Addition, Parish of Cleobury Mortimer) Modification Order 2013

Following a public inquiry into the above named public rights of way order  the Planning Inspectorate confirmed the order on 21 May 2018. In effect, there is now a public footpath from the Catherton Road along the drive to the Glen Caravan Park, and Footpath 44R recorded in error in Neen Savage Parish has been moved south of the stream to run through part of the caravan park, formerly the site of the old Cleobury Mortimer workhouse. The latter is not currently available on the ground and officers will need to negotiate a solution to resolve this.

Neen Savage Definitive Map Modification Order – confirmation notice

Confirmed Modification Order (with maps)