Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 28 July

Approved Minutes of Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 28 July 2021

Agenda for Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 28 July 2021

Neen Savage Community Led Plan – Sep 2014
PCC – Town & Parish Council Survey 2021 to be completed
Neen Savage Parish Council – Accounts as at 30 Jun 2021
Neen Savage Parish Council – Bank Reconciliation as at 30 Jun 2021
Simon Harris Monthly Report July 2021
Gwilym Butler July Report

2020-21 Audit and Accounts

At the Neen Savage Parish Council Meeting on 26 May 2021, the Council considered and resolved to approve the Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Annual Return Sections 1 & 2 and the Internal Auditor’s report.

Neen Savage Parish Council Audited Accounts 2020-21
Neen Savage Parish Council Bank Reconciliation 2020-21
Neen Savage Parish Council Approved Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) Part 2 2020-21
Explanation of Variances 2020-21
Fixed Asset Register at 31 Mar 2021
Neen Savage Parish Council – Internal Audit Report 2020-21

The following document summarises how to exercise your rights to inspect the accounting records, ask questions of the internal auditor and make objections.
Neen Savage Parish Council Notification of Public Rights 2020-21

Rural Broadband

Connecting Shropshire – broadband programme update – May 2021

The Government’s Voucher Scheme to help rural communities to get access to broadband has relaunched. To qualify for the Scheme, groups of two or more residents/businesses must be located in a rural area and be unable to get broadband speeds of 100mbps.

For more information go to

Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 May 2021

Approved Minutes of Neen Savage Parish Council meeting on 26 May 2021

Agenda for Neen Savage Parish Council Meeting to be held on 26 May 2021

Councillors’ Roles and Appointments 20-21
Dates for Meetings 21-22
List of Policies and Review Dates
NSPC Financial Regulations (2021)
NSPC Standing Orders (2021)

NSPC Accounts 20-21 Final Bank Reconciliation for approval
NSPC Audited Accounts 2020-21 for approval
Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2021-21 for approval
Internal Audit Report 2020-21

NSPC Asset Register for Insurance purposes May 2021
NSPC Risk Assessments
Neen Savage Parish Council – Hiscox Schedule 2021

Cllr Simon Harris Monthly Report May 2021

Annual Parish Meeting – 19 May 2021

The Annual Parish Meeting took place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm.

Approved Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on 19 May 2021

Agenda for 2021 Annual Parish Meeting
Gwilym Butler Annual Report 2021
Edwards & Hinckesman’s Foundation Report to Annual Parish Meeting
St Mary’s Parochial Church Committee Report for Annual Parish Meeting
Neen Savage WI Annual Report 2021