Meeting Dates

Monthly meetings of the Neen Savage Parish Council are usually held on theĀ fourth Wednesday of each calendar month (with the exception of August as outlined below). All meetings are held at Neen Savage Parish Hall, commencing at 7:30pm.

The date or time may change due to exceptional circumstances so please check the website, notice boards, facebook page or contact the Clerk for confirmation. Meeting notices are placed on Notice Boards around the parish and are on the website. Additional Committee meetings or working group meetings may be arranged as required.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council meeting. Parishioners are invited to participate at Parish Council meetings during the Public Participation Session.

The dates for the regular Council meetings in 2024-25 are:

Wednesday 26 June 2024
Wednesday 24 July 2024
Wednesday 25 September 2024
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Wednesday 27 November 2024
Wednesday 18 December 2024
Wednesday 22 January 2025
Wednesday 26 February 2025
Wednesday 26 March 2025
Wednesday 23 April 2025
Wednesday 28 May 2025